List of Services Offered

Appraisals are what most people think of when they hear CRE Valuation Services. The act or process of developing an opinion of value needs to be completed thoroughly, and we are proud to say we are fully compliant in accordance with the Uniform Standard of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP). We also have several appraisers who hold an MAI designation, and we comply with RICS, the highest professional qualifications and practice in the development and management of real estate valuation.

Appraisal Review
CRE Valuation Services also provides appraisal reviews, which is the process of developing and communicating an opinion about the quality of another appraiser’s work that was performed as part of an appraisal or appraisal review assignment. Many times, clients want another opinion and reach out to us because for our impartiality, ethical principles, and delivery of the most accurate valuations in the industry.

CRE Valuation Services provides appraisal and consulting services for several national clients. Our experts average over twenty years of experience are happy to provide advice in any of many specialized fields of commercial real estate.

Demographic Analysis
CRE Valuation Services provides comprehensive demographic analysis reports to our clients using the market's leading data services our competitors cannot easily access. A strong demographic analysis report can help our clients understand the current, and potential value of their property.

Highest and Best Use Studies
Clients are always seeking the highest and best use for their vacant land or improved property. CRE Valuation Services lets our clients know what is physically acceptable, appropriately supported, financially feasible, and that will result in the highest value for their property.

International Valuation and Consulting
CRE Valuation Services provides International Commercial Real Estate appraisal services, and consulting services on any type of property anywhere in the world. Headquartered in Florida and operations in North America, Latin America and the Caribbean Regions, there is no assignment too complex for the experienced appraisers at CRE Valuation Services.

Land Use Studies and Planning
CRE Valuation Services provides recommendations on various elements such as land use, public spaces, street and building design, development, historic preservation, community revitalization and retail with respect to each area’s vision and defining characteristics.

Litigation / Litigation Support
CRE Valuation Services' experts are skilled in assessing commercial damages, working with financially distressed or bankrupt real estate/going concerns, and developing values in legal settings. We’re frequently asked to testify and can assist throughout the legal process in areas such as document discovery and opposing expert depositions.

Portfolio Valuation and Analysis
Valuation analysis should answer the simple, yet vital, question of, "What is something worth?" CRE Valuation Services has provided numerous portfolio valuations throughout the United States and the Caribbean. CRE Valuation Services, Inc. provides an understanding of portfolio asset values, based on years of appraisal experience in all asset classes. We can offer you advanced knowledge about business assets and their value or marketability in the context of private equity and hedge fund investing. Examples include: asset valuation, acquisition, disposition, specialized debt and equity capital financing, and corporate performance enhancement consulting. We serve corporations, lenders, and insolvency practitioners.

Mediation, Arbitration, Dispute Resolution
Whether by a parties' prior contractual agreements or according to Court directives, our clients are called upon to submit a dispute to a binding arbitration, an appraisal to determine the amount of a commercial or homeowner's property loss with deferred review of insurance coverage issues, or to a mediation for a case resolution. We provide representation to insurance companies, corporations or private citizens as either the petitioner or respondent in such dispute resolution forums. We have successfully resolved at considerable savings to our clients such claims as sinkholes, water damage, structural collapse and construction defects, mold damages, fire losses, hurricanes, roof failures, multi-vehicle bodily injury accidents.

CRE Valuation Services, Inc. aid in corporate mergers, issuance of stock or revision of book/market value of real estate/going concerns. Merging with or acquiring another company can provide tremendous economic advantages or doing so can be a costly mistake. It's essential to work with an objective expert who understands the complexities of this process and who can effectively devise strategies that maximize growth and minimize risk.
Retrospective Valuation
There are many situations where you need an experienced, qualified, and licensed appraisal expert to determine the retrospective “Fair Market Value” (FMV appraisal) of real property in your estate as of the date of death. Many estates consist of a portfolio of commercial, industrial, and residential real estate need to establish stepped up real property tax basis for IRS tax filing purposes. Determining fair market value of your estate as of the date of death can establish basis. In addition you may need a valuation expert to determine the appraised value of fractional ownership interests of the estate. CRE Valuation Services has assist many clients in determining the market value of their properties.

Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) Consulting and Valuation
CRE Valuation Services' Real Estate Investment Trust Practice advises REIT managers to help them make well-informed investment decisions, meet compliance obligations promptly and keep their energies focused on opportunity and growth. We draw upon years of experience providing audit, accounting, tax consulting and compliance services to clients operating through master limited partnerships, UpREIT and REIT structures, as well as single purpose partnerships and LLCs. Our REIT and commercial real estate professionals have the hands-on experience and extensive knowledge to effectively address a myriad of complex issues that face today’s public and private real estate companies and their investors.

Real Estate Tax Valuation and Consulting
Understanding property tax values is crucial to obtain tax reductions. The volatility of property markets can cause your company to be paying too much if property is not being valued correctly. Our experienced valuation firm can ensure that your company does not overpay for property tax on an annual basis.